I’m Tired of Governments Playing with Our Lives

5 min readMar 31, 2020


Watch closely what actions your government takes during these next few months. It will tell you everything you need to know about how much they care about your life. Pay attention to the way they prioritize money and American lives. The question you should be asking is “who benefits from their actions”? Did you benefit from your government’s actions?

To be fair we live in a revolutionary government. We defined democracy. It was made to serve the people. To look after our best interests. A huge win compared to the previous model of government. Western Democracies and Capitalism were born as an upgrade to British Imperialism. Kings became Presidents. Nobody misses Imperialism. But that was also a few hundred years ago. A few billion people ago. Times have changed.

Take a look at the change from Government 1.0 to 2.0. Government 1.0 had Kings with absolute power. Government 2.0 has Presidents with more power than everyone else within an ecosystem of checks and balances. The trend is towards decentralizing power by dispersing power across more stakeholders. Each one (President, Senate, Congressmen) holds the other in check making it harder for any one party to cheat or take advantage of the others. This is a massive improvement. This new government architecture isn’t free. Slower moving decision making is the cost of democracy. Layers of consensus agreement through voting are required to finalize decisions.

Today we are witnessing the long tail of Government 2.0. Many would call that bold or blasphemous but I say it from a place of dispassion. Look objectively and it’s clear our modern governments are failing to perform even basic duties. Our governments make decisions that never seem to benefit anyone but the rich. We aren’t even on their radar. If we are recognized, we play the role of the nuisance. Too stupid and small to be worthy of consideration. Here’s how Mitch McConnell treats the people he’s serving. Go to 1:06 and you’ll find a blue-collar American factory worker telling Biden “you’re working for me man” and Biden’s response is the truth. In a heated moment, the truth is exposed. It’s an unconscious reaction.

Right now we are in a VERY heated moment. Coronavirus lockdown plus economic meltdown is the perfect storm. Pay attention to the actions of those in power because now they cannot hide from the truth.

The ideas that come from our Federal Government clearly have not taken into account the needs of citizens for a long time. But we too have been derelict in our duties are citizens to keep the powers that be in check. Easy money has flowed through our veins from the top down and while we were getting drunk off of it through consumption, the rich were getting powerful off it through ownership.

Government today is so large and inaccessible to the average American while major corporations can spend hundreds of thousands if not millions lobbying for special treatment. We as individuals don’t have the purchasing power the big corporations have and also are working jobs not having the time to influence lawmakers like full-time corporate lobbyists. So in our defense, we are in a Catch 22.

Want proof? It’s everywhere. Look at the most recent bailout. There was $2.2T in stimulus money allegedly to help Americans in strife from the Stay at Home order. What didn’t make headlines is the $4T blank check that went to the Fed to spend as they choose. So $6.2T was made and the leftovers go to the people and the majority goes to the rich. Blatant. Here’s the visualization of $2T going to “the people”. And if you’re saying “well at least we’re getting $1200 each!” consider this. Yeah, you thought that money was “free”?

We can go on beating this horse but let me put forward a solution. Remember the move from Imperialism to Democracy? It was revolutionary because it was an ingenious way to decentralize power. The core value position of Bitcoin is that it is a decentralized trust machine. Many think in order to adopt Bitcoin requires an entire upheaval of society. I don’t believe that to be the case and here is why.

Going back to founding America, one other key principal was the separation of church and state. Today we don’t need to blow up the government and start from scratch. What we desperately need is the separation of money and state. If you remove the ability to abuse money, the decisions which pass will be much more scrutinized as with the publicly viewable nature of the Bitcoin blockchain, all the transactions will be much more identifiable. I’m not even talking about doing away with the US Dollar, I’m simply talking about giving regular citizens a voice through our collective money.

Today our money collectively is devalued by trillions of dollars flooding the markets. That will continue. We will continue being the losers in that equation. The “smart ones” will desperately try to “time the markets” and buy back into equities at the bottom. You can keep playing in the same game. But it’s so badly stacked against you that given enough time you are guaranteed to lose. You are only dealt the numbered cards while the government holds all the aces and face cards. You cannot win this game because it is rigged.

Opting into Bitcoin because you are being financially abused by our government is civil disobedience. It is at our core American to fight for our rights as citizens. And when the government has stopped listening to us because our voices are easily muted, this is a peaceful way to flex our power. It’s Government 3.0. Bitcoin is the new check and balance for governments that have run amok and are destroying entire societies. Bitcoin stands for more than a dollar price. It is a doorway to a better future that simply follows in the footsteps of the past. Decentralizing power is good for the common man. Bitcoin is good for people because it doesn’t care about your social standing or political connections. What will you choose?




Written by Nelson

Thinking about a better way

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